We need your help!
Use this form to tell your State Representative and State Senator to coauthor Repeal of Emergency Powers, so that a Governor cannot use emergency powers to infringe our gun rights when we need them the most.
- Fill in the subject line.
- Write 1-3 sentences telling them why we must repeal the Governor’s emergency powers to control firearms and ammunition because we can’t rely on any future governor’s goodwill to protect our gun rights. See our handout, below, for ideas on how to talk about this.
- Ask them to co-author Repeal of Emergency Powers – HB 1500 & SB 18. Your State Representative can co-author House Bills (HB’s), and your State Senator can co-author Senate Bills (SB’s).
CLICK HERE to download the GOA Texas Emergency Powers Reform Handout
You can print the handout easily in either color or black-and-white.
If you prefer, here is a JPG images of the handout that you can easily share on social media.