Constitutional Carry filed – again!
- Rep. Matt Schaefer has filed HB 1927, Constitutional Carry. This bill would allow those 21+ who can legally possess firearms to carry a handgun, open or concealed, without a permit.
- Rep. James White has filed 2 bills which together would allow those 21+ who can legally possess firearms to carry a handgun, open or concealed, without a permit.
- HB 1587 would allow those 21+ who meet the eligibility requirements for a license to carry a handgun without a license.
- HB 821 would repeal the extraneous eligibility requirements for a license – leaving simply the core eligibility requirement that you must be able to legally possess a handgun.
- Rep. White is chairman of the Homeland Security & Public Safety committee, which typically hears gun bills such as Constitutional Carry.
- These bills are in addition to previously filed Constitutional Carry bills, HB 1238 by Rep. Biedermann and SB 540 by Sen. Springer.
Join us to discuss this news Mondays at 8 PM
Passing Constitutional Carry: what is the strategy?
- Gun Owners of America supports permitless carry for lawful gun owners age 18+, and advocates for no distinctions between LTC and permitless carry. We strongly support all legislation that would push Texas to that goal.
- We are glad to see much more momentum this year on Constitutional Carry. This situation is similar to when Licensed Open Carry passed in 2015: many bills were filed, showing growing interest in the topic.
- We expect that all Constitutional Carry bills will receive a committee hearing, and Texans will be able to weigh in on exactly what language you would like to see move forward.
- It is common for bills to have a committee substitute – especially significant bills, and especially with several versions proposed. That means, if these bills receive a committee hearing and a vote to move forward, the language that moves forward could be different than anything filed – or even a combination of these bills.
- Please be ready to give input at a committee hearing so we can move forward the best, strongest language.
Where are we in the legislative process?
- The legislative session started January 12, and the first 30-day period was reserved only for bill filing.
- We are now in the second 30-day period. Legislators can continue to file bills, but committees may also start to meet and hear public input on bills.
- The legislature can bring bills on the floor for discussion and votes after the 60-day mark (on March 13). Bill filing ends at that time, but committees will continue to meet throughout session.
- We are told that most committees are still weeks away from actually hearing bills, due to new COVID regulations and restructuring of the committee process to allow more remote input.
- Because of end-of-session deadlines, it is important to get priority legislation through committees as quickly as possible, preferably before the end of March. Otherwise, it is likely to get stuck in the House Calendars Committee and/or stalled out in the Senate.
- Sean Sheridan, a DFW area GOA activist and member, wrote about ending gun free zones in schools and the senate bill that would do it in the Houston Courant. Check out his latest piece, Gun Free Zones and S.B. 514.
- Rachel Malone joined El Paso iHeartMedia to talk about the 87th legislative session, GOA priorities, and what we’re doing to expand gun rights in Texas. Check out her the full interview here (and share with your friends).