TxLege Organization and Internal Plans
- Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said last week that “people wishing to testify on legislation before a committee may need to register days beforehand and take a coronavirus test ahead of the hearing.” (Call Patrick’s office: 512-1463-0001)
- Rep. Charlie Geren, chair of the House Administration Committee, says it’s likely that public visits to the Capitol will be limited, and that the people will need to get tested and have an appointment before entering the Capitol. (Call Geren’s office: 512-463-0610)
- The Republican House Caucus met Saturday and elected Rep. Jim Murphy as Caucus chair. They rejected Rep. Matt Krause, who has previously filed priority legislation such as Made in Texas and “Come and Take It” firearms protection bills.
- We are told that the Republican Caucus agenda included a discussion of legislative priorities, but that the discussion did not happen.
Grassroots Involvement: Mark Your Calendar
- With lawmakers threatening to shut the public out of the legislative process, it’s even more important for Texas gun owners to work hard to stay involved.
- Texas Director Rachel Malone is giving a 3-part Zoom legislative training on how to be involved. See part 1 here. Sign up for part 2 here.
- The Legislative Priorities Committee of the Texas GOP will meet this Friday at 3:30 pm in Georgetown. This committee is tasked with enacting the party’s grassroots priorities, including Constitutional Carry. See the agenda here.
Sign up for the second installment of our Zoom training THIS Thursday, December 10: Your Lifeline – the TLO Website.
- GOA Texas joined The Pew Pew Jew for an Instagram Live interview last week to discuss the “shock-and-awe” tactic of gun control bills.
- Texas Director Rachel Malone joined Paul Lathrop of SAF for a personal interview and a longer discussion of Texas and national gun rights issues.
- “Open the Texas Capitol, we have business in the building.” See Malone’s op-ed.