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87th Legislative Session Committees

The committees listed below typically hear most of the gun-related bills. Committee chairs have authority to decide when and if bills receive a hearing and a vote. Committee members can vote on whether to move the bill forward.  

For details on specific hearing times, agendas, and how to provide public input, see 

Senate Committees

Senate State Affairs Committee 

This committee receives most gun-related bills in the Senate. 

Normal meeting time: Mondays at 9 am in the Senate Chamber 

House Committees

House Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 

This committee typically receives over 50% of the gun-related bills including those on Constitutional Carry and handgun carry, “Red Flag” laws, and background checks. 

Normal Schedule: Thursdays after the legislature adjourns (time varies), Room E2.030 

House State Affairs Committee 

This committee receives gun-related bills including those on Second Amendment Sanctuary, suppressor freedom, and repealing emergency powers. 

Normal Schedule: Thursdays at 8 am, Room E1.004 (Auditorium) / JHR 140; the committee will generally break for legislative session at 10 am and then return after the legislature returns (time varies). 

House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee 

This committee receives gun-related bills including those on use of force and additional gun-related penalties.  

Normal Schedule: Mondays at 2 pm or after the legislature adjourns, Room E2.010 

House Calendars Committee 

This committee receives bills from the other House committees and serves as a gatekeeper to decide what bills will go to the floor. It meets various times throughout session but does not take public testimony.