Vote for Carrie Isaac in the Primary Runoff Election

Make plans to vote for Carrie Isaac in the runoff election. Please keep these dates in mind as you plan to vote: April 25th is the last day to register to vote, Early Voting is from May 16th-20th, and Election Day is May 24th! Learn more about voting in Texas above.
Dear friend,
Gun Owners of America is proud to endorse Carrie Isaac for Texas House District 73 in the primary runoff election.
Mrs. Isaac fourth-generation Texan, nonprofit leader, wife, and mother.
More importantly, Mrs. Isaac has completed a perfect State Candidate Survey for GOA and stands strong on Second Amendment issues.
As Second Amendment supporters, we need to stand together in support of those who stand firm in defense of liberty.
That’s why Gun Owners of America is proud to endorse Carrie Isaac in the 2022 election.
Please consider donating or volunteering to help elect Isaac. But most importantly, please make plans to vote for Carrie Isaac for State Representative!
For liberty,
Tim Macy
Paid for by Gun Owners of America. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.